My “Praise God!” moment for the day. We’re leaving tomorrow on a 3,000-mile round trip vacation to Florida. Our tires were due for a rotation, so I decided to take it to Costco despite not having an appointment. I arrived at Costco at 11:30 am to be told it would be a four and a…
Category: Blog
Love Thy Neighbor: Befriending the Refugee
As my brother, sister-in-law, and family tried to practice the teachings of Christ, they developed a friendship with a Syrian refugee family. Justin and Annie were recently featured in “Love Thy Neighbor,” a film in The Perennial Plate’s series about American life. Be sure to enter my November Giveaway, featuring women artists, authors, and musicians. Over 21 prizes…
The Gospel of an Imperfect Worship Service
I subscribe to Seth Godin’s blog. I enjoy his short, pithy posts, often full of wisdom about life, productivity, and service to others. Saturday morning, I opened my email to find a new post from him in my inbox—“A note from 2020.” The content was simple and insightful: “Twelve years from now, your future self…
The Gospel and Family Traditions
I’m thankful to Risen Motherhood for the invitation to write about how the Bible speaks to tradition. The piece is called “Gospel Thinking: How Do We Decide Our Family Traditions.” Here’s an excerpt: Efforts to keep Christ in our traditions can bring us into conflict with the world and family. Days of travel, feasting, gifts,…
#DadsHurtToo (Part 6) — Miscarriage and the Gospel
This is the concluding post in a series on miscarriage and the Gospel — “#DadsHurtToo — A Father’s Memoir of Miscarriage.” It’s been almost three years since our last miscarriage. Wounds are healing. Yet, I’d be lying if I said those foxes don’t still bark and nip from time to time. They bark, but the Gospel…