The approach of summer vacation, that wonderful three-month break from school, was always so exciting. We looked forward to extended play with friends, the swimming pool, family trips, camping. Tomorrow marks my final video devotion for the local Christian school. It got me to thinking about what entering summer break might be like for them….
Tag: bible
Ruth, Kids, and Jesus
I love the book of Ruth. Ruth and Naomi are two of my favorite characters throughout scripture.
“Watch the Woman!” — Why We Should See and Celebrate Women in the Bible
I’ve been looking for, noticing, celebrating, and writing about the place of women in the storyline of the Bible a lot this year. Why is that? In seeing and celebrating women in the storyline of the Bible, I’m not sliding down a slippery-slope of liberalism, about to careen off a cliff into goddess worship. In…
Women in the Storyline of Redemptive History
The #MeToo movement has sparked some good conversations about the value and significance of women, a conversation that has moved into the church in helpful ways (#ChurchToo). A friend’s tweet got me thinking about the significant role women play in the Bible’s storyline of redemption. So, for my own benefit, I started jotting an off-the-cuff list of notable…