We are listeners. It makes sense that, if the Lord created the heavens and the earth by his Word, then his creatures would be wired to listen.
Our problem is not that we listen. The problem is the voices to which we listen. This too is evident in the creation story. Adam and Eve did not fail because they listened, but because they listened to the voice of the serpent and not of the Lord.
We follow after our first parents, walking through a world filled with a thousand voices.
The Law of Moses thunders its demands, showing us our unrighteousness. Satan, knowing these failings, whispers accusations against us, telling us that we are damned. Our heart and our flesh, knowing our shortcomings all too well, cannot help but agree. As our bodies decay, the grave threatens to devour us. The world and its leaders speak lies and threats to gain our allegiance and secure their own power.
The Good News is there is another voice to be heard—a voice that counters and frees us from each of these.
In the Gospel, God proclaims that, though we have sinned and become unrighteous, Jesus Christ has taken our place. He has both lived and died as our substitute. Through him, the Judge (who loves us) reckons our sin to Christ and his righteousness to us.
In the Gospel, God proclaims that, though we were slaves to Satan and deserved to die, Jesus Christ has conquered the grave and sent us free from the tyranny of the devil. Even more, we how are united with him through faith shall be raised with him from the dead.
In the Gospel, God proclaims that, though we are afflicted by the tyranny of evil leaders and systemic injustice now, Jesus Christ is returning for us. He returns not as our dictator, but as our Bridegroom—as one who loves us and promises to comfort our every sorrow. He will reign over us in kindness and gentleness, giving us eternal life.
This week’s song—”Let Them Hear”—proclaims this message in the form of a prayer. In it, we think of those who have never heard the Good News and pray, “Let them hear, O Lord, let them hear!”
Join me in making this your prayer this Easter weekend.
April Giveaway — The Rabbit Room
From now through the end of the month, you can enter my April Giveaway, featuring a stack of books from The Rabbit Room. (Don’t tell the other readers, but I hope you win!!!)
Free Download
There’s still time to snag a free download of Joshua Otte’s recording of my Easter hymn “He is Risen.” Visit the song page for a link.